Drew Cobin and Pete Inserillo Former Division 1 athletes, young coaches in the strength and conditioning and physical therapy field. Our aim is to bring quality content to young strength and conditioning coaches and physical therapists in the sports setting in order to elevate the performance of their clients and athletes. We touch on everything and anything strength and conditioning, including research literature, current practices, and innovating interventions and technology.

Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
EP23: Creating Constraints in Strength& Conditioning and Physical Therapy
Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
Coaches often need to create constraints when an exercise does not look the way they want it to. Similarly, Physical Therapists often need to create constraints with rehab exercises if a patient is experiencing pain. But what does that really mean?
Well, it is much more than limiting range of motion. It involves utilizing different positions, changing load variations, and using the external environment. Listen to this episode today so you can start to successfully implement constraints in your programs for optimal results!
Don't forget to leave us a review as well as follow us on IG: @drewcobin and @dr.pete_inserillo

Saturday Feb 12, 2022
Saturday Feb 12, 2022
Tyler Anzmann is no rookie when it comes to building a solid strength and conditioning program for pitchers. With years of coaching experience on top of his own successful baseball career, he is a wealth of knowledge.
We had the pleasure of diving deep with Tyler about how he tests his athletes and utilizes a force-velocity profiling system in order to effectively program for each individual pitcher. He explains specifically what tests he performs, how he collects the data, and how he analyzes the data in order to develop a program.
This episode is full of valuable nuggets for any strength coach who works with a baseball population.
Don’t forget to leave us a 5 star review and share this with another coach!

Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Coaching in a semi-private business model is an lucrative way to ensure a quality experience and provide impeccable service. However, it can go horribly wrong if you are not prepared with client programs individually written or a logical mind map of progressions and regressions. In this interview with Stephen Calarco (IG: @Stephencalarco) we delve into how to make the most money by providing an incomparable training experience for your clients, how to not "freeze" on the floor if your original plan does not follow through, and how to help your clients form habits.

Friday Nov 12, 2021
Criterion-Based Vs. Time Based Protocols in Rehab and Warm Up Preparation
Friday Nov 12, 2021
Friday Nov 12, 2021
Arguably the MOST content-heavy episode we've released to date, we cover two main topics that are hot in our respective fields.
Criterion-based progressions require extensive skill to be able to assess and measure a patient's progress in their rehabilitation. Most patients who have a surgical procedure performed have a time-based protocol that is the guide their rehabilitation. However, protocols can vary quite a bit based on the surgeon or orthopedic group. So, as Doctors of Physical Therapy, why not utilize our skill set to determine more appropriate progressions based on individual patient presentation? In my experience, a simple phone call or text message to the surgeon updating them on a patient's progress and simply asking for permission to progress has been received tremendously well!
Lastly, how intensive and variable should your warm up be? Drew and I discuss two sides of the argument of variability and specificity of warm ups in preparation to main lifts.
Don't forget to leave us a review! Thanks again for listening to The PainFreePerformance Podcast!

Sunday Oct 03, 2021
Sunday Oct 03, 2021
We were honored to interview John O'Neil, Director of Performance at Cressey Sports Performance in Massachusetts.
Everybody who gets into Strength and Conditioning wants to work with the best of the best: the top 1% of athletes who get paid to do what they love. However, many young coaches do not understand what it takes to get there. Little paid and unpaid internships, getting to work at 4:45 am, working split shifts, and participating in journal reviews and in-services.
John, who has put in his time, is now the Director of Performance at CSP, Mass. To many, he has made it. No more 5 am shifts, no more splits, and overseeing every program that is executed in the facility. To John, this does not mean he has permission to stop learning. He still coaches, directs in-services, and continues to develop himself. Having this growth mindset is what separates good coaches from the best of the best. A relentless willingness to continue learning, with no "end destination" in sight.
Amongst other key points, John sheds light on how he filters all of the information available to us. Using his filter he develops coaching systems. Lastly, you won't want to miss his mention of books and influences that have shaped his current coaching philosophy.
Don't forget to share this episode with another strength coach you know! Our objective is to provide valuable content by talking to coaches who are more experienced or have different perspectives. We grow the field by having conversations, asking questions, and sharing what we know.

Sunday Sep 26, 2021
Sunday Sep 26, 2021
The PainFreePerformance Podcast is thrilled to introduce Josh Levitan from The Lost Breed on this episode! The Lost Breed has established themselves as a global brand that exemplifies hard work and a growth mentality. Along with a dope clothing line and sick online workout programs, this company took the world by storm with videos that went viral. If you haven't seen them yet, now is the time to check it out and get inspired! We covered so much in our time together. What it took to grow such a huge online presence, building a company with a best friend, and how Josh overcame his own setbacks that shaped who he is today. The most important part of this podcast was the end when we discussed using a social media platform to drive home a message, not for external validation.
Don't forget to leave a review and share this to your social media story!

Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Coach Spada discusses the ins and outs of developing a pre-season program for his athletes and how he has adjusted in his new role as Head Strength Coach.
We also discuss the difference (or lack thereof) between training for health versus training for performance.
There were so many huge takeaways from this episode. Thank you Coach Spada for your wealth of knowledge as always!

Sunday Aug 15, 2021
Sunday Aug 15, 2021
Motor learning and skill development are key to improving an athlete's ability to perform at the highest level. Whether you are hitting a golf ball, swinging a baseball bat, or throwing a 30 yard touchdown pass, all movements must be learned by the individual. (THIS IS NOT "MUSCLE MEMORY", THERE IS NO SUCH THING).
If you want to know the specific stages of motor learning and ways to optimize your verbal, tactile, and kinesthetic cues, then this episode is PRECISELY for you!
Drew said it perfectly, "It doesn't matter how good your exercises are if you can't coach them". What he means is that no matter how dope your program is, if your athletes and clients don't have the ability to execute the exercises then all that work going into your program was unfortunately wasted. Coaches need to understand that the biggest part of their roles in the weight room is giving the athlete ACCESS to these movements. This is done through the neuromuscular system. We can optimize our athlete's ability to develop skill by being strategic with cueing and programming. All of this and more you can find in this episode. Enjoy!

Sunday Jul 25, 2021
Individualism Part II
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
Dynamics of the rib cage, breathing techniques, and maybe even our first fight?! There was a ton of information to unpack with this episode and we both really enjoyed the conversation.
Not all coaches share the exact same beliefs and philosophies in regards to training efficaciously. Although Drew and I share many of the same biases, we uncovered a few viewpoints that we did not share common ground with. An important takeaway from this episode was how to have a conversation with differing viewpoints while maintaining respect and professionalism.
Don't forget to leave us a 5 star review! Find us on social media (IG) at:
dr.pete_inserillo and drew.cobin
Happy Coaching!

Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
Developing a "Coach's Eye"
Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
Let's be really honest... great coaches see more in athletes and clients than good coaches do. This takes time, collaboration, and a willingness to think outside of your comfort zone. Developing a keen coach's eye is a skill that requires time, patience, and a willingness to learn from others. Pride can get in the way of thinking outside of your own comfort zone, similar to the need to be right ALL OF THE TIME. All coaches make mistakes. All coaches miss things such as compensations or clues to underlying pathologies or substitution movements. In this episode we discuss how we have developed a keen coaches eye over the last few years and what you can do as a young coach to develop yours!